I agree with you, I think that it’s a ridiculous law and does violate our fourth amendment. To me as well it hits close to home, so of course I’m against it. I have friends and family that are here illegally and that pay cash for everything nor use welfare and what not to survive. They’re denied credit so they don’t have outstanding bills they can only pay cash which most Americans including myself cannot do. They work really hard to do for their families and you sometimes I see other illegal’s driving in brand new cars that Americans can’t even afford. Well they might say it’s because they don’t have to pay taxes and what not, but if the government gave them citizenship then they would have to pay them and maybe spruce up our economy. It’s kind of messed up because the Americans took this land from the Indians or whoever and was illegal to them but now it’s different, it doesn’t make sense. I know that some may think that it’s for our security; well they should put them in our systems, give them our rights, and enforce consequences and laws on them as they do us.
Some come to America so that they can make money to send back home for their unfortunate family back home. They’re just trying to make a better life for themselves (the land of opportunity) and sacrificed their lives to get here. They didn’t just do it to do it. I know that there are some bad immigrants but as they do now they should just deport them back for acting up in another country which is reasonable. If you come to a country you come to better yourself not to create conflict. To me everyone is an immigrant to this land and they need to accept people for what they’re trying to do.
This racial profiling should not be happening it is a violation of our rights as U.S. citizens and I would be very offended if I were profiled incorrectly or profiled at all. There needs to be national law to overrule the state law in this case. It’s going to spread and other states are going to follow Arizona and the fight will get bigger. It’s something that doesn’t need to happen and Congress should get to work and find a way to handle this situation differently (constitutionally).
I can go on forever on this topic and I think I got a little bit off course, sorry.
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