Friday, February 26, 2010

John-Hall: An unmet promise on jobs

John Halls article “An unmet promise on jobs” is about the nation’s unemployment focusing on African Americans and why we should/shouldn’t blame our government or President. African Americans have almost always had less job opportunities and unemployment rates.

His audience would be people who’re unemployed and/or African Americans especially. People who’re so can know that there are other people in their same situations. To the rest of America he may be writing this so that we can see how the unemployment rate has changed from when Obama came into office. They criticize him for not doing enough, lack of policies, and jobs.

The author has an African American references who is unemployed and has a bad background, which he can’t find a good job with. This gives credibility to this article because of the true life reference. Anthony James was sent to the penitentiary for seven years for assault with a deadly weapon but has a college degree and is having a very hard time finding employment in the simplest job market. 97% of African Americans voted for Obama and they’re the ones who’re are having problems finding jobs. It may seem ironic why the African Americans are doing bad under an African American President but its not his fault James says it’s ones own.

The argument is why blame our President for being unemployed if we know what he inherited when he became President. It will take time to create jobs, but John Hall refers to African American males who have a harder time getting jobs because of their education level and history. "I take full responsibility where I am at this particular point, and I'm willing to do what's necessary to progress. ... It's just hard." Click on the link to read this article JOBS

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