Friday, February 12, 2010

Time for Obama to go 'gangsta' on GOP

The article is attracted me because of its slang title, it makes us want to read it because we can relate to the slang. This article focuses on the stalling and blocks of appointments of Obama and how Roland Martin thinks that the republicans and some democrats as well are running over him and wasting time. He thinks that democrats are weak and don’t enforce their power when needed. The republicans denying his appointments is like letting them run over him, he then needs to put his foot down and lead. There are also democrats (his own party) that mess with him as well, Roland thinks that Obama should quit playing around and set deadlines for having people confirmed to stop all this nonsense. I think you should read it because it’s interesting to know that the Senate can impair the Presidents actions by fooling around and how to avoid it. You can read this article here GANGSTA.

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