Friday, May 14, 2010

Foxman: Don't toss around the word “Nazi”

The claim of this article/author is that comparing the U.S. to Germany just isn’t right. With the whole immigration laws in effect in Arizona people are comparing Brewer to a modern day Hitler and we’re soon going to have a holocaust. It does seem like it because they’re trying to belittle and segregate people out of their state and it’s just cruel. The evidence is that a lot of people are writing and making videos comparing Hitler to Obama and to the state of Arizona. We do have the freedom of speech but I think it should be something that is put out there so we can avoid getting to that point. We do not want to follow in their footsteps because it will destroy our country and start wars with other countries. The author s’ concern is that people are making crazy comparisons and shouldn’t be doing so. He believes that we should fight back to try to avoid the laws to spread or get more powerful. He states that this should not delegitimize the millions of people who died in the holocaust.

People make everything a comparison to Hitler because Obama is trying to improve our country, they should be happy that he’s doing something. Not everyone is going to agree with everything the president is doing. If it doesn’t affect you then don’t bother it and let it be. The audience is everyone in the U.S., to inform people that if you want to avoid this problem then speak up for yourself and do something, if not then just let things be. A lot of people are just using this to get fame online and make funny jokes; this is real life with real people they should stop.

Friday, May 7, 2010

Blog Stage #8

I agree with you, I think that it’s a ridiculous law and does violate our fourth amendment. To me as well it hits close to home, so of course I’m against it. I have friends and family that are here illegally and that pay cash for everything nor use welfare and what not to survive. They’re denied credit so they don’t have outstanding bills they can only pay cash which most Americans including myself cannot do. They work really hard to do for their families and you sometimes I see other illegal’s driving in brand new cars that Americans can’t even afford. Well they might say it’s because they don’t have to pay taxes and what not, but if the government gave them citizenship then they would have to pay them and maybe spruce up our economy. It’s kind of messed up because the Americans took this land from the Indians or whoever and was illegal to them but now it’s different, it doesn’t make sense. I know that some may think that it’s for our security; well they should put them in our systems, give them our rights, and enforce consequences and laws on them as they do us.

Some come to America so that they can make money to send back home for their unfortunate family back home. They’re just trying to make a better life for themselves (the land of opportunity) and sacrificed their lives to get here. They didn’t just do it to do it. I know that there are some bad immigrants but as they do now they should just deport them back for acting up in another country which is reasonable. If you come to a country you come to better yourself not to create conflict. To me everyone is an immigrant to this land and they need to accept people for what they’re trying to do.

This racial profiling should not be happening it is a violation of our rights as U.S. citizens and I would be very offended if I were profiled incorrectly or profiled at all. There needs to be national law to overrule the state law in this case. It’s going to spread and other states are going to follow Arizona and the fight will get bigger. It’s something that doesn’t need to happen and Congress should get to work and find a way to handle this situation differently (constitutionally).

I can go on forever on this topic and I think I got a little bit off course, sorry.

Blog Stage #7: Senators moving forward with climate change bill

I believe that this energy bill will do well and get a lot of peoples support. While the things that are currently happening we’re already looking for ways to prevent these things from happening. The oil spill is very huge and with the bill passed we will be able to find ways to make our cleanup time faster and new procedures to keep things like this from happening. Sen. Lindsey Graham thinks that these past events including the immigration laws in Arizona would make us not focus on an energy bill. To me it would and I think that everyone else should to; we need to bring our country back up after this recession and be on top again.

These events threaten our government, safety, and our environment so we need to act on this as soon as possible. The Democrats strongly believe that this legislation can get passed even though the Republican Senator doesn’t think so. We're also at a time of the year in which gas prices traditionally go up, which I think will be a very public impetus for getting an energy bill done," Gibbs said. I think this is a very good time to try to get support and pass this legislation because of the consequences of our actions to the environment and security. We can just sit back and let things fall as they may or do something and tighten our fists and get a grip on this situation. We may not see results as fast as we want them but just know that this will help our kids and grandchildren in the future. I’m for sure that in the future, the way technology is going, it will get tougher and tougher to control. We should start now and hope for a better future.

Friday, April 23, 2010

#6 Commentary: A healthy choice

I agree with the whole getting healthier food to the children in the schools but the food that they serve them is cheaper and there are a lot of kids in Americas’ schools which makes it affordable. I agree that the government should provide more funding but healthier foods tend to be more expensive and I know if they begin to distribute healthier foods they will get cheaper. Getting more exercise in schools will take time from their learning, so a longer school day will be needed for that, meaning more funding. Candy’s and sodas are everywhere and are less expensive to have around rather than having a milk machine where the milk goes bad because no one buys it, same thing for fresh fruits and vegetable. It comes down to the parents I think to make sure their kids eat healthy, only partially (the government) because they have them 8 hours out of the day. They could pack them a lunch, even though most parents don’t have that kind of money to make their kids lunches, which would be hard. The parents should keep their kids active instead of playing video games and watching television. The schools can only do so much in 8 hours and the parents have the kids 16 hours a day and the whole weekend and summer. So a lot has to do with the mom and dad. I have younger siblings and I always tell them to be outside playing than being on the computer or playing games because it is unhealthy. It is up to the parent, the child’s eating habits as well but like you say if they implemented healthier foods gradually I’m sure the kids will catch on. I believe that the bill should be passed to give the children healthier choices and decrease the obesity rate of children because the life expectancy for their generations will be far less than older generations. So if the parents and schools could get onto the same page and work together I think it will be a success, the government funding can’t do it alone. I support this bill greatly but I wish it should've been implemented sooner.

Friday, April 9, 2010

START Treaty: U.S. and Russia.

Our U.S. national government/country will be safer than ever before signing the START treaty, knowing that Russia has signed over their consent to deploy some of their nuclear weapons. I think that the treaty that the U.S. and Russia have signed will be beneficial for all countries because between the two countries we hold ninety percent of the world’s nuclear weapons. Our Government made a good decision to be accord with our past rival, we know how powerful they are. Obama states that “When the United States and Russia are not able to work together on big issues, it is not good for either of our nations, nor is it good for the world." I believe that it’s true because we are the two most powerful countries and have very huge and advanced armies. If we were to get into an argument or war we may as well begin another war, we have big populations (not the biggest) to effect other countries creating tensions around the world. Obama is trying to defend our government/country from future conflicts with other countries and is trying to get all countries to follow. If he succeeds we will be closer to world peace, somewhat at least. The fact that they have to deploy their weapons down to an amount is good for our safety; we need to know how many nuclear weapons are out there and who has them. Our government/President will try to get Israelis to meet and agree for peace, not all countries I’m sure will want to sign over their consent to publicize their weapons. It is attainable I believe and will take time to get all countries to be more peaceful. As long as the two biggest countries (power wise) are on the same page then I believe that is good enough for now. Nuclear wars are the worst to be in because of the damage it can create, it can kill thousands even millions. Nuclear weapons have no escape or stopping once hidden and unknown, they can be catastrophic. The people of the United States would not want to be in a nuclear war because it can set off another world war which at this point in times technology would be utterly disastrous. I’m all for the treaty and trust that our government/President will help ensure safety to all citizens in the U.S.

Friday, February 26, 2010

John-Hall: An unmet promise on jobs

John Halls article “An unmet promise on jobs” is about the nation’s unemployment focusing on African Americans and why we should/shouldn’t blame our government or President. African Americans have almost always had less job opportunities and unemployment rates.

His audience would be people who’re unemployed and/or African Americans especially. People who’re so can know that there are other people in their same situations. To the rest of America he may be writing this so that we can see how the unemployment rate has changed from when Obama came into office. They criticize him for not doing enough, lack of policies, and jobs.

The author has an African American references who is unemployed and has a bad background, which he can’t find a good job with. This gives credibility to this article because of the true life reference. Anthony James was sent to the penitentiary for seven years for assault with a deadly weapon but has a college degree and is having a very hard time finding employment in the simplest job market. 97% of African Americans voted for Obama and they’re the ones who’re are having problems finding jobs. It may seem ironic why the African Americans are doing bad under an African American President but its not his fault James says it’s ones own.

The argument is why blame our President for being unemployed if we know what he inherited when he became President. It will take time to create jobs, but John Hall refers to African American males who have a harder time getting jobs because of their education level and history. "I take full responsibility where I am at this particular point, and I'm willing to do what's necessary to progress. ... It's just hard." Click on the link to read this article JOBS

Friday, February 12, 2010

Time for Obama to go 'gangsta' on GOP

The article is attracted me because of its slang title, it makes us want to read it because we can relate to the slang. This article focuses on the stalling and blocks of appointments of Obama and how Roland Martin thinks that the republicans and some democrats as well are running over him and wasting time. He thinks that democrats are weak and don’t enforce their power when needed. The republicans denying his appointments is like letting them run over him, he then needs to put his foot down and lead. There are also democrats (his own party) that mess with him as well, Roland thinks that Obama should quit playing around and set deadlines for having people confirmed to stop all this nonsense. I think you should read it because it’s interesting to know that the Senate can impair the Presidents actions by fooling around and how to avoid it. You can read this article here GANGSTA.